Stages of formation and development of agglomerations some issues of classification


  • Quvondiqova Hamida Nasriddin qizi National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek Faculty of geography and geoinformation systems, socio-economic Department of Geography I-level basic doctoral student



Since the beginning of the 20th century, many researchers have studied the issue of agglomeration
are coming The emergence of the concept of agglomeration goes back to A. Weber.
A strong agglomeration process occurred during the transition from handicraft to industrialization.
American economist E. Hoover contributed to the development of the concept of agglomeration "city economy
put forward the idea of "concentration" and compared agglomeration with a large economic factory.
The term "agglomeration" in relation to settlements was introduced by the French geographer M. Rouget.
The urban agglomeration began to spread widely with different names. For example, A.A. Kruber
"economic district of the city", M.G. Dikansky "economic city", V.P. Semenov Tyanshansky
introduced the concept of "city agglomeration". In addition, Dubrovin, V.G. Davidovich,
D.I.Bogorad, G.M.Lappo, F.M.Listengurt, I.K.Kudryavtsev, Yu.L.Pivo also conducted research
went Development theories of agglomerations from economic geographers of the German school
I. Tunen (1826), W. Launhardt (1882), A. Weber (1909), W. Kristaller (1933), A. Lesch (1940-1959)
studied, U. Ayzard (1956, 1960), T. Hagerstrand among economic geographers of the American school
(1967), D. Jacobs (1969) and theorists of economic growth poles of the French school F. Peru
(1961, 1964, 1990), P. Pote (1963), J. Budwill (1966). Agglomeration
there are different approaches to the definition. they are divided into 3 large groups. The first group
supporters define it in terms of "residential agglomeration", and the definition of the second group is the population
point and was approached as a form of distribution of production forces. Third
The group's tariff was in the mid-1970s with "sociologizing" tendencies.
can be connected. Different views on agglomeration can be summarized as follows.
Urban agglomeration is the relationship between urban and rural settlements that complement each other
It is a developed system. World agglomeration is also gradually formed
is developing. Below we can see the stages of development of agglomeration processes.




How to Cite

Quvondiqova Hamida Nasriddin qizi. (2023). Stages of formation and development of agglomerations some issues of classification. World Journal of Agriculture and Urbanization, 2(11), 62–64.


