Knowledge Base of Algorithmic and Software Base for Intellectualization of Underground Water Supply Facilities


  • Aitanov Anvar Kyrybaevich PhD student of the the Department of “Computer Systems”Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al- Khwarizmi



knowledge base, intellectualization, underground water intake facility, expert, database, well


This article examines the importance of the knowledge base in the development of an intelligent algorithmic and software complex of underground water intake facilities. When developing the computerized knowledge base of underground water intake facilities, the management knowledge base, the classification of knowledge bases, the use of conventional knowledge bases for creating expert systems and storing information about the facility will be studied. A knowledge base structure will be developed when creating an intelligent algorithmic and software complex of underground water intake facilities. When organizing the process of forming underground water intake facilities, the development of a knowledge base for the watertight properties of single-layer moisture layers will be studied. During the formation of underground water intake facilities, knowledge is calculated to solve the issues of determining the watertightness of single-layer earthworks.


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How to Cite

Aitanov Anvar Kyrybaevich. (2024). Knowledge Base of Algorithmic and Software Base for Intellectualization of Underground Water Supply Facilities. World Journal of Agriculture and Urbanization, 3(1), 18–24.


