Modern Technology of High-Speed Spraying


  • Abdirakhmanov Ravshanbek Amanullaevich Associate professor of the department "Agricultural machines and organization of technical service" Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology, Andijan, Uzbekistan
  • Mamadaliev Mukhammadjon Khabibullayevich Associate professor of the department "Agricultural machines and organization of technical service" Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology, Andijan, Uzbekistan
  • Burkhanov Zafarjan Dehkanbaevich Senior lecturer, of the department "Agricultural machines and organization of technical service" Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology, Andijan, Uzbekistan



plows, harrows, huskers, cultivators, wear of parts, high-speed spraying technology, combustion chamber, coatings, durability of parts


As a result of the wear of some parts, agricultural machines change their main effective indicators. Therefore, worn parts must be restored or strengthened, and in extreme cases replaced with new ones. The article presents information about the method of restoring the working bodies of agricultural machinery by high-speed spraying.


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How to Cite

Amanullaevich, A. R. ., Khabibullayevich, M. M. ., & Dehkanbaevich, B. Z. . (2022). Modern Technology of High-Speed Spraying. World Journal of Agriculture and Urbanization, 1(8), 26–28.


