On the Question of the Oscillatory Process of the Under-Rail Base in the Zone of the Rail Joint with Under-Rail Pads of Different Elasticity


  • Mamadaliyev Aziz Yusupaliyevich Tashkent State Transport University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  • Mukhammadiyev Ne’matjon Raxmatovich Tashkent State Transport University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  • Abdulloyev Abdulaziz Tursunpo’lot o’g’li Tashkent State Transport University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan




Fourier analysis, rail padding, elasticity, Sapsan, high-speed movement, vibration acceleration, shock absorber pads


The article presents the results of full-scale tests of rail pads in order to assess the effect of stiffness and the number of standard and experimental rail pads-shock absorbers on the amplitude-frequency characteristic of oscillations that occur in the ballast layer in the rail joint zone during the movement of rolling stock. To achieve this goal, we measured the vertical vibration accelerations that occur during the passage of trains in the rail junction area with a different number of standard rail pads-shock absorbers TsP-204-M-ARS (standard) and pads-shock absorbers of increased elasticity (experimental). On the basis of the obtained values, the amplitude- frequency characteristic of the oscillatory process was determined by means of the Fourier transform. The main (carrier) frequencies, at which the maximum amplitudes of vibration accelerations are fixed, are determined, first of all, not by the material of the shock absorber gasket, but by the magnitude of the force impact. The use of experimental pads-shock absorbers makes it possible to reduce and redistribute the energy of vibrations transmitted to the ballast layer.


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How to Cite

Yusupaliyevich, M. A. ., Raxmatovich, M. N. ., & o’g’li, A. A. T. . (2022). On the Question of the Oscillatory Process of the Under-Rail Base in the Zone of the Rail Joint with Under-Rail Pads of Different Elasticity. World Journal of Agriculture and Urbanization, 1(12), 13–17. https://doi.org/10.51699/wjau.v1i12.35


