Influence of Sowing Dates and Seedling Thickness on Leaf Yield of Stevia


  • Rahimov Avazbek Holmamatovich Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Scientific Research Institute of Seed Production and Cultivation Agrotechnologies of Cotton Breeding
  • Ulugboev Ahmadjon Yokubjonovich Independent researcher of Scientific Research Institute of Seed Production and Cultivation Agrotechnologies of Cotton Breeding



Leaf, Variant, Sowing Dates, Yield, Seedling Thickness, Norm, Stevia


This article provides data on sowing dates and seedling thickness of stevia plant on leaf yield. Accordingly, it is recommended to sow stevia seeds in the first half of April, as well as to provide 111,000/ha of seedlings in the field, in order to grow a stable high leaf yield from stevia plant under irrigated light sierozem soils.


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How to Cite

Holmamatovich, R. A., & Yokubjonovich, U. A. (2023). Influence of Sowing Dates and Seedling Thickness on Leaf Yield of Stevia. World Journal of Agriculture and Urbanization, 2(2), 11–14.


