Phenological Spectra and Ecological Family of Seasonal Development of Orthopterans: A Case Study from Jizzakh Province, Uzbekistan


  • Z. Izbasarova “Center for Ecological Information, ITT and Multimedia” State Unitary Enterprise, Bunyodkor Ave. 7A, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 100043
  • Sh. Khalillaev National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, University str. 7, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 100174
  • M. Medetov Institute of Zoology, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, Bogishamol str. 232B, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 100053



humidity, process, deformation, horizontal expansion, flyer, priming, circuit, pressure depth, diameter zone, stamp, border.


The period of seasonal development of 66 orthopteran insects identified from different landscapes of Jizzakh province, Uzbekistan was determined. By studying the patterns of their formation, the ecological adaptation to the food environment and the phenological spectra of anthropogenic and natural zones of the region were determined, which makes it possible to timely control harmful species in environmental forecasting. It has been established that the phenological spectrum belongs to 4 groups. From this, 30% of these species overwinter as adults and larvae, 12% as ephemeroid and early spring species, 46% as spring-summer species, and 12% as summer-autumn species. Eremobionts make up 16.7% of the life form of orthopteran insects; facultative chortobionts 15.1%; tamnobionts 13.6%; fissurebionts 7.6%; chortobionts, herpetobionts, petrobionts, spiny chortobionts 6.1%; herbivorous chortobionts 4.5%; prickly chortobionts, specialized phytophils, stratified geophiles, geobionts 3%; cryptobionts, flying migrants, and microtamnobionts accounted for 1.5%.


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How to Cite

Z. Izbasarova, Sh. Khalillaev, & M. Medetov. (2023). Phenological Spectra and Ecological Family of Seasonal Development of Orthopterans: A Case Study from Jizzakh Province, Uzbekistan. World Journal of Agriculture and Urbanization, 2(3), 6–11.


