Analysis of the Current Situation and Prospects of Livestock Farmers Specializing in Meat Production in Uzbekistan


  • Djuraev Bekzod Head of department Tashkent branch of Samarkand state university of veterinary medicine, livestock and biotechnologies
  • Ruziyev Shukhrat Head of department Tashkent branch of Samarkand state university of veterinary medicine, livestock and biotechnologies
  • Ne’matjonov Shukhrat Master student, Head of department Tashkent branch of Samarkand state university of veterinary medicine, livestock and biotechnologies



import meat, cattle, livestock, support mechanisms, farmers, peasant, farms, reforms, feed, ephemerals, nutritional value, protein, prices, meat market, and consumer market


The growth of the world's population will increase the demand for food, including the increase in the demand for meat, which is expected to double by 2050. In most years, the supply and demand for beef in Uzbekistan was in balance, but in recent years, due to the sudden change in the climate and other factors, the supply of feed in livestock has increased in the consumer markets. There are imbalances in the supply and demand balance. Nowadays, Uzbekistan is among the countries that import meat from a self-sufficient country. This article is about the current characteristics of beef production systems in Uzbekistan and aimed at illuminating perspectives. This article presents the current state of livestock breeding in Uzbekistan, today's problems, their solutions, and scientific recommendations for the development of livestock breeding in the future. Also, the breeding work carried out in livestock farming, opinions on implementation and support mechanisms of the results of scientific research in this regard are given.


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Djuraev Bekzod. The way of Reducing the Losses of Agricultural Products in Harvesting/ e-ISSN: 2615-8140 | p-ISSN: 2615-7071 Volume: 03 Issue: 12 |Dec 2021




How to Cite

Bekzod, D. ., Shukhrat, R. ., & Shukhrat, N. . (2023). Analysis of the Current Situation and Prospects of Livestock Farmers Specializing in Meat Production in Uzbekistan. World Journal of Agriculture and Urbanization, 2(4), 17–21.


