Method of Analysis of Commodity and Material Reserves in Construction Organizations


  • Farhod Tuychievich Abduvakhidov Associate Professor of the Department of “Audit” of Tashkent Institute of Finance
  • Khabibulla Mamatovich Mamatov Senior Lecturer of the Department of “Audit” of Tashkent Institute of Finance
  • Abdijabbar Yunusovich Nurmuxammedov Associate Professor of the Department of “Banking and Investment” of Tashkent State University of Economics
  • Matlab Yunusovich Nurmuxammedov Master of Economics, Asian International University
  • Erkin Ergashevich Mirsaliev Tutor of the Corporate Governance faculty, Tashkent State University of Economics



Inventories, financial stability, material capacity, financial condition, efficiency, ratio, inventory turnover, profitability, gross profit, average annual cost


This article presents scientific and theoretical proposals and recommendations for organizing the analysis of inventories in manufacturing enterprises of building materials.


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How to Cite

Abduvakhidov, F. T. ., Mamatov, K. M. ., Nurmuxammedov, A. Y. ., Nurmuxammedov, M. Y. ., & Mirsaliev, E. E. . (2023). Method of Analysis of Commodity and Material Reserves in Construction Organizations. World Journal of Agriculture and Urbanization, 2(5), 68–76.


