Operation of Pipe Water Transmission Structure in Interaction with Subsiding Soil


  • R. Хujakulov Karshi Engineering and Economic Institute, 180100, Kashkadarya
  • S.Saidov Karshi Engineering and Economic Institute, 180100, Kashkadarya, Uzbekistan
  • M. Safarova 2nd year master's degree student Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics
  • B. Boltaboev 2nd year master's degree student Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics
  • T. Rozikov 2nd year master's degree student Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics.




humidity, process, deformation, horizontal expansion, flyer, priming, pressure depth, diameter zone, stamp, border


As is known, in compliance with all the requirements and recommendations of regulatory documents on the design of irrigation systems on subsident soils, deformations of the foundations of structures often significantly exceed the calculated ones, which can cause loss of operational suitability of irrigation structures. The above determines the need for further study of the features of the interaction of irrigation facilities with their subsidence bases. This article is devoted to this problem, in particular, to the study of the influence of stress redistribution in the moistened subsidence bases of tubular hydraulic structures on the stress state of their elements and the stress-strain state of loess subsidence bases of hydraulic structures in the Karshi steppe.


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How to Cite

R. Хujakulov, S.Saidov, M. Safarova, B. Boltaboev, & T. Rozikov. (2022). Operation of Pipe Water Transmission Structure in Interaction with Subsiding Soil. World Journal of Agriculture and Urbanization, 1(12), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.47494/wjau.v1i4.33



Agricultural Technology