Ways to Give Lemon Plants a Compact Shape When growing them in Complex Greenhouses


  • Fakhrutdinov Nuritdin Zaynutdinovich Chairman of the Republican Association of Lemon Growers and Exporters, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Buriev Khasan Chutbayevich Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Tashkent State Agrarian University, Research Institute of Plant Genetic Resources, Uzbekistan




lemon, complex greenhouses, cultivation, compact formation, seedling


in the article, the results of the research carried out in order to improve the methods of giving them a compact shape in the cultivation of lemon plants in complex greenhouses are presented with an in-depth analysis. The article also provides valuable information on the influence of different shaping methods on the morphological and biological development of lemon seedlings of different varieties.


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How to Cite

Zaynutdinovich, F. N. ., & Chutbayevich, B. K. . (2023). Ways to Give Lemon Plants a Compact Shape When growing them in Complex Greenhouses. World Journal of Agriculture and Urbanization, 2(8), 4–7. https://doi.org/10.51699/wjau.v2i8.86




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